Exam Information
Exam Format
Exam time: 3~4 hours, depends on the type of certificate you want.
Exam length: 115 multiple choice questions
Computer-based exam at conveniently located testing centers worldwide
Exam Cost
The Exam fee is $500 for member and state residen examinees, For the non-member or international member, the exam fee is $600.
The exam fee covers a testing seat for the GBMI exam, exam score report, and the GBMI certificate once certification is achieved.
Exam Covered
Instructional Design - 30%
Training Delivery - 40%
Learning Technologies - 30%
Evaluating Learning Impact and Global Mindset questions will also be tested in relation to the three main CCUs.
Exam Registration
To register for the exam go to the GBMI Application system. If it is your first time in the application system, you may need to complete additional fields and indicate that you are interested in the GMAI program.
If you earned an GBMI Master Trainer or Master Instructional Designer designation, you may opt-out of one related area of expertise on the GBMI exam.
Please have documentation for your GBMI Masters program designation available if you intend to request the opt-out exam.
If you require accommodations, please submit an GBMI application 10 weeks before your selected testing window so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
Exam Locations
Exams can be taken at testing centers around the country.
There are five testing windows for the GBMI each year. The registrations deadlines are typically 30 days before each testing window begins.
The remaining test windows for 2019 are listed below with their respective registration deadlines.
GBMI Exam Windows and Deadlines 2020
If you have additional questions about the APTD exam, please email info@gbmi-edu.us
Noumber | Institute / Organization | City | State | Country |
Feb 06, 2020 (Dec 31, 2019) | UNA Taiwan Education Center | Hsinchu County | Chubei City | Taiwan |
Feb 29, 2020 (Dec 31, 2019) | University of North Alabama | Florence | Alabama | USA |
May 31, 2020 (Jan 31, 2020) | UNA Taiwan Education Center | Banqiao City | New Taipei City | Taiwan |
May 31, 2020 (Jan 31, 2020) | University of North Alabama | Florence | Alabama | USA |
May 31, 2020 (Jan 31, 2020) | UNA China Education Center | Suzhou | Jiangsu | China |
Sep 26, 2020 (Jul 31, 2020) | UNA Taiwan Education Center | Banqiao City | New Taipei City | Taiwan |
Sep 26, 2020 (Jul 31, 2020) | UNA China Education Center | Suzhou | Jiangsu | China |
Sep 26, 2020 (Jul 31, 2020) | University of North Alabama | Florence | Alabama | USA |
Nov 28, 2020 (Sep 01, 2020) | UNA Taiwan Education Center | Banqiao City | New Taipei City | Taiwan |
Nov 28, 2020 (Sep 01, 2020) | UNA China Education Center | Suzhou | Jiangsu | China |