Courtesy Organization
The status of Courtesy Associate is offered to organizations with which the ABCD wishes to foster a closer working relationship. Courtesy Associates receive certain privileges with regard to the services of the ABCD Certificate College, but do not participate in its governing processes. Below is the list of Courtesy Associates with links to their websites:
Courtesy Organization
The status of Courtesy Associate is offered to organizations with which the GBMI wishes to foster a closer working relationship. Courtesy Associates receive certain privileges with regard to the services of the GBMI Certificate College, but do not participate in its governing processes. Below is the list of Courtesy Associates with links to their websites:
AACRAO American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers
AAU Association of African Universities
ACA Academic Cooperation Association
AIEA Association of International Education Administrators
AIESEC International Association of Students in Economics and Management
APAIE Asia-Pacific Association for International Education
AUCC Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
CBIE Canadian Bureau for International Education
CEPES-UNESCO European Centre for Higher Education
CHEA Council for Higher Education Accreditation
CIEE Council for International Educational Exchange
CIMO Centre for International Mobility, Finland
EAIR European Association for International Research
EAN European Access Network
EFMD European Foundation for Management Development
ENOHE European Network for Ombudsmen in Higher Education
ESN ERASMUS Student Network
ESU European Students' Union
EUPRIO The European Universities Public Relations and Information Officers Association
EURASHE European Association of Institutions in Higher Education
EUA European University Association
IAU International Association of Universities
IAUP International Association of University Presidents
IDP Education Australia
IEAA International Education Association of Australia
IEAC International Educators Association of Canada
IEASA International Education Association of South Africa
IIE Institute of International Education
IJCSO(IJCSC,IJCSL) International Journal and Conference Service Organization
IUM International University of Monaco
ISANA International Education Association
JAFSA Japan Network for International Education
JASSO Information Center of Japan Student Services Organization
NAFSA Association of International Educators
Nuffic Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education
OECD/IMHE Program on Institutional Management in Higher Education
UKCISA UK Council for International Student Affairs
TU Tiffin University
WACE World Association for Cooperative Education
If a program is accredited, it has demonstrated compliance with the GBMI's accreditation principles. To learn what programs are accredited, and other details concerning an accredited member, go to the listing of school and institution members, click on the letter that the name begins with, find the institution in the listing, and click on the status link for that institution.